Carotid Sheath

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Common Holds

  • Carotid sheath hold from above
    Carotid sheath hold from above
  • Carotid sheath hold from below
    Carotid sheath hold from below
  • Carotid sheath superior portion, via SCM muscle
    Carotid sheath superior portion, via SCM muscle


Basic Hold

The thumbs align along the carotid sheath, medial to the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Bi wiki holds carotid sheath lateral .jpg

Treatment Notes

This is a great hold for supporting blood flow to and from the brain and orienting to the vagus nerve. The vessels and nerve are bound together in a sheath of connective tissue. Often one side is quite different from the other, support the surrounding tissues to reorganise and the whole bundle of vagus nerve, carotid artery and jugular vein should function better.

Relevant Anatomy

Carotid artery grays.gif Carotid sheath black and white.jpg VagalNerve.jpg
